Thursday, August 4, 2011

Adventure time!

Adventures with Amber & Kait (see her lovely photos here: )! I love these kids. Everytime we go on adventures I keep asking "WHY DO WE NOT DO THIS EVERYDAY!??" And I'm being completely honest, no matter how down on myself or anxious I might be about something, all I need is a car full of gas and good people to keep me company and I feel infinitely better. :)

washing up!

Monday, August 1, 2011


Me & Jenny went to the carnival & rode on the ferris wheel, which was suprisingly terrifying!

I was really really hoping to get one of those Jamacian bananas, but I it was too pricey to play & I do not feel too comfortable throwing darts about. Maybe next year. Also, I hightly recommend listening to the song "Carnival" by the Cardigans before you go the carnival, it will make you feel like eating cotton candy and wearing a girly dress.